Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ethiopia, Day 4

Tuesday, February 1

Sorry for the late post, the internet's been sporadic!

Today we had another visit! We were more on our own today at the foster care house, the Gladney staff was not there to meet us, but we knew where B's room was. Both visits have been during their feeding time and nap time, and she was eating when we got there. They had done her hair today in little poofs with different colored bands. It looked so cute! We both got to hold her again, I think Aaron held her more today. She fussed a little when we put her back in her crib, so one of the caregivers put her on her tummy so she could see more out of her crib, and she fell asleep with her little head on her arms. Those babies are definitely scheduled, they know when it's time to sleep, and they know when it's time to eat! I guess they feed them every three hours, even through the night, about 5-6 ounces each time. We finished up our visit and delivered all our donation items, and then met the rest of our group. I know adoption is hard, and emotional, and draining in just about every way, but when you see these babies, toddlers, and children who are full of life, and desperately needing a family, it changes something inside you. I have been excited for adoption a long time before this trip, but actually seeing these kids has moved something deeper inside me. And again I believe that God has not given all He has given me and my family, just for us. I think there is a greater purpose there, a way I can use what I have for someone else. And it doesn't have to be in Ethiopia, it can be anywhere. And then I think about how thankful I am for a safe and loving place for B, and the millions of children who don't even have that. If she desperately needs a family, (and she does), what about those children that don't even have a safe place to sleep, or anything to eat or wear!? Everyone knows there are needs in the world, but wow THERE ARE NEEDS IN THE WORLD!!!.

After our visit we all went to this resort where we ate lunch. The trip there was pretty long, about an hour and a half, and we went in buses. You know what I have been so thankful for and know is just the Lord? I have not been carsick at all! I get carsick driving to church sometimes on paved roads with hardly an cars, and let's just say driving here is NOTHING like that!!! Anyway, the resort was so beautiful. Really tropical and surrounding this lake. We ate with the Kechene girls government orphanage, for girls 12 and up. The head of the Ethiopian adoption program here is man named Belay, and he does so much for both the Kechene girls orphanage and the Kolfay boys orphanage. He said this was like a once in a lifetime trip for them, and they seemed to both love it, and not quite know what to do. :) I have gained so much more respect for Gladney and their staff, and what they are doing for orphans here.

After we got back from lunch, we had a processing group with the other families. One of Gladney's social workers/ counselor just talked with us about all we were experiencing and other aspects of adoption. She let us ask questions, and had some really good advice and thoughts about adoption both now and for the future. Then a couple of us went to dinner at this great pizza place! Yes, pizza! Let's just say, the food here is amazing! Every meal we have had has been so good, and there are so many restaurants. I was picturing eating just Ethiopian food, but we have only had that once. Most places have both Ethiopian and American or Italian or whatever. Another great day!

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