Happy Birthday Eli and Micah! I seriously cannot believe you are 4, that seems so grown up and big! I can still remember with crystal clarity every part of my pregnancy with you as well as your grand entrance into the world.
The night after you were born I laid both of you side by side in front of me on a pillow and just gazed at you. You were finally here and my dreams of being a mom had come true. You were tiny and perfect and sweet, and I just could not get enough of you.
Your dad and I discovered that this birthday was a pretty big deal to you. You remembered from last year things we had done and you really understood that it was your birthday and all that entails. You were so excited about the decorations we put up and gave us big hugs when you came downstairs that morning and saw them. You also were excited about being able to plan your birthday menu for the day: Chocolate chip teddy bear pancakes for breakfast, corn-dogs, Cheetos, and lemonade for lunch, and pizza for supper. We invited some family over to have some spiderman cake with us after supper which made you feel very special.
Micah, I just want you to know I love you so very much. You have an infectious laugh and sparkle in your eyes that I just love to see. You are so interested in how things work and love asking questions. You are friendly and kind and have an amazing imagination. I love hearing what is on your mind and you have stumped me more than once with your questions and thoughts. Micah you have such a sweet heart and I love your hugs.
Eli, you are such a special boy. I love your easy laugh and how you love to joke around. I love to cuddle with you and watch you run and jump around. You have the greatest facial expressions and it is never hard to tell what you are feeling! Eli, I love watching you play with Isaac and read books to him. You are so funny and already have a great sense of humor. You also love to help me and your dad.
I love that both of you love bugs, dirt, and adventures, as well as books and music. I love your insatiable curiosity and your hilarious honesty. You both have kept your dad and I on our toes since you were born and given us some great stories to tell! I love you so very much and there is no where in the world I would rather be than home with you everyday.
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