Wednesday, February 10, 2010


We are officially on the waiting list as of yesterday, February 9, 2010! I personally have been eagerly awaiting this day, waiting for it to become "real" for us, waiting for our side of things to be complete, waiting to really allow myself to think and dream and plan. I know we are far from the end of this journey, it is actually just beginning, but I love that we are beginning this next stage.

Up to this point it has sort of felt like we have been in the stage of wanting to get pregnant, if that makes sense. You dream about it, hope for it, but it sort of seems like something far away. And now, it's like we are pregnant. It's a little more real, I feel like we can talk about it like it's really going to happen. But always with the caveat that there is so much unknown, and surely to be bumps along the way.

I also have been thinking more and more about our baby's birth mom and family. For us to have her as our daughter, someone else has to let her go, a decision I cannot even begin to fathom. As excited as I am about this part the process, I also have this heaviness in my heart about how challenging her introduction to the world will be, and the process that will bring her to us. I am praying so much for her family, that God will meet them right where they are and bind up what are sure to be some broken hearts as He promises to do.

And I have been thinking about time. About how the aspect of time that drives me into a panic is the same aspect I am loving right now; it never stops. The countdown to bring our daughter home has begun and it will not stop until we have her here. Now I feel like I can finally start really preparing for her; learning all I can about Ethiopia, reading everything I can about adoption, and introducing our family to a new culture that will forever be a part of our family.

Psalm 62:5
"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him."

1 comment:

  1. so excited for your family! i was so elated when we got on the list.
